This is a fast-paced heart-gripping novel. It is one that grips you so hard that you wouldn't want to let it go till you're done. The action was intense, the plot was awesome and the delivery was hot. I must say, I had my misgivings when the opportunity to review this book came. Reading through the description made me see this book as one with a lot of erotic content. However, when I started reading, I fell in love with the storyline. The plot was enough to make me overlook the erotic content. By the way, books in this genre are usually riddled with content that is sexual in nature.
One of the things I liked in this book is the way the characters came alive. It will be easy to convince me they were non-fictional characters. This is because Ian Ritchie developed them to be practical and relatable. Their actions perfectly portrayed that of regular British natives. I have interacted with a couple of them, so I could see the British culture and lifestyle depicted in clear terms by the characters. Additionally, Ritchie painted realistic situations for the characters to exhibit practical attributes. Worthy of mention are Charles Mafferdt and George Fennick. Charles knew that he was embarking on a suicide mission to retrieve an artifact from someone cruel enough to rip someone's heart off. But he needed to take the risk as it provided the chance for him to pay his debt. George, on the other hand, had nothing to be proud of. His life stood for one thing alone - killing people. When the opportunity to live out his potential came, he took it without considering the fact that he would be enslaving himself. There are other instances I could point out, but, you may have to read the book to see for yourself.
Another thing that fascinated me about this book was the depth and flow of the conversations. I enjoyed every single period of discussion that transpired in this book. They weren't vague or scanty. As a matter of fact, some of the conversations were very long. Yet, they were interesting and had a seamless flow. I didn't struggle to know which character was talking at any time. This was what I liked most about this book.
However, there were obvious grammatical errors in this book. For this reason, I rate this book 3 out of 4 stars. I recommend this book to lovers of mystical stories. However, if you're averse to erotic content, you should take a pass on this one.
- Sam Ibeh
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